Friday, October 7, 2011

Becoming a Big Girl

Reasons I know my baby isn't such a baby anymore...

1) Changing her diaper is like wrestling a wild animal. I have to use serious muscle power to try to restrain her from flipping and reaching and grabbing during the process and usually end up putting on a new diaper or a new outfit on from back to front. It's exhausting.

2) Her eye-hand coordination is improving. In the last two days, we have shattered a coffee mug and flung cereal all over the floor as she lunges for any object in close range.

3) She has lots of new moves. She isn't officially crawling yet, but that doesn't stop her from getting anywhere she needs to go. Last night, she actually pulled herself to a standing position using my head as leverage. She takes steps and can even do yoga moves. Here's her down-dog...

4) New stimulation is necessary. Her normal toys are not good enough anymore. She has discovered that shoes, buttons and zippers, and closet doors are far more interesting.

5) Bottles are not our one-and-only anymore. She has tried her sippy cup and a regular drinking cup. It's a messy experience but she is getting better at it!

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