Saturday, May 2, 2020

Meet the Teacher

We got to Lacy for "Meet the Teacher", and there was a registration area on the balcony where the new Lacy Lions would get their teacher assignment. We checked in Addie, and found out that she would have Ms. Spink, a new teacher. I was not thrilled and was disappointed actually. I wanted her to get a seasoned pro, a kindergarten expert, not someone completely new to the school.

We got to her classroom, and turns out Ms. Spink was YOUNG. Like a few years out of school young. But she had already taught at one elementary school in Raleigh and at a school in Thailand so this was not her very first year in the classroom. So we explored her cute classroom, met her assistant (Ms. Frank), and met her classmates. She immediately saw two familiar faces from preschool- Emily and Bo (from her 3's class)- so that was reassuring. But everyone else was a new face. 

And the interesting thing about her classroom was that it was the old art classroom. Collins would be jealous because that was her favorite class! This kindergarten grade was exceptionally large- with 8 classes. They decided to move this grade to the specials hallway to keep them all together (and away from the older classes and closer to their playground). I think it was a smart move.

We met new potential friends, and got to talk to her teachers and felt pretty good leaving school. A brand new teacher would not have been my first choice, but there was nothing I could do about it at this point. Fingers crossed that she would have an energy and excitement about teaching that would transfer to the kids. Only time would tell. 

Addie left excited about her class, and we headed to Banbury to get some energy out. First, a long Labor Day weekend, then the first official day of school!

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