Saturday, March 10, 2018

Collins Turns SEVEN!

It wasn't even their birthday, and the two littles were pretty excited when they woke up the morning of February 13th. Because they knew we were having a breakfast birthday party and that their favorite sister was now SEVEN! 

I love how decisive my Collins is. She knows what she wants and states it without question. For her birthday, she told us she wanted "breakfast in bed- specifically an orange roll- and then to open presents in bed". Done and done!

 It was actually a great idea for a birthday party. I may request one for my next birthday. :)

The rest of us were left with a picnic breakfast on the floor which was kind of a fun treat too...

Collins was excited to get a robe, a necklace set, and her big birthday wish- a "Frozen" castle lego set!

 Successful party up on the top bunk!

 For school, she got to choose a special treat to take in and share with her class. She had another unique idea- a frosted cookie cake. The class apparently went wild over it.

After basketball practice, we headed to Gigi's for a birthday dinner. Collins picked ribs as the menu, and we had a tasty meal. Unfortunately, Luke had just started feeling bad with a fever so we had to get him home.

 But first, the grand finale- an ice cream cake!

Collins had a wonderful birthday, and we loved having a day to make her feel extra special. It's hard to believe our baby is seven, but when you look at this beautiful, imaginative, fun-loving and kind girl you know she has earned it. She is seven in every way, and we couldn't be more proud of or love her more!

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