Friday, September 29, 2017

A Space of Their Own

Lately, we have had some frustrations with Collins with needing her own space and not being able to get it. Because she and Addie share a room and because Addie wants to play with her big sister when she gets home from school, that doesn't leave Collins a lot of alone time. She is an introvert and reminds me that she has to be around 18 other people all day long and sometimes just wants to be by herself. I get that; I'm the same way.

So recently Collins had the idea to turn the dormer attic space within their room into her personal "office". She got really excited about this and drew up some plans for the space. But that space is not insulated and has no real flooring. It would take a lot of work to get it ready to be played in.

Then the other day she came out of the walk-in attic space next to our bedroom where we keep the gift wrapping and other random non-important items. She likes to go in there and grab boxes and gift bags for crafting purposes. She came out of the closet and said nonchalantly, "I should just make this into my office." Later I was thinking about it and thought, "Why not??"

That space was not being used to its full potential. It was housing golf clubs, old paintings, and craft supplies. It was really just a walk-through to our bigger attic space that holds all of our seasonal decorating- the real important stuff. :) The closet had carpet and walls and most importantly a door you could close...the only catch is that it is not heated or cool so things could get stuffy in there. But I decided that Collins would love it so I moved out all the junk and cleaned the space thoroughly. Then I moved her desk in there and reorganized all the craft supplies.

Addie and I surprised her after school with her new space- she was thrilled! She immediately started decorating the walls and organizing her things in her new "office".    

This was her old desk area in the nook of her and Addie's room...a disaster area at all times. It was a tight space that she could not keep organized. So I realized that another benefit of her new office space was that I could close the door on her hoarder tendencies!
 So now that Collins was all set up in her new space...(which very much interested Luke)

it was time to create Addie her own space!

We decided to clean out Collins's old nook and make that area into Addie's special private area. We hung a curtain that she can draw when she wants to play by herself, and put her dollhouse, special toys, and some other cozy items back there. She loves it and has started referring to it as her "idea box". :)

Although I think it's a neat thing that the girls share a room, I also feel bad sometimes that they can't have their own room. Not anymore! We got creative and now they each have a space of their own.

And the first thing to come out of Collins's office? Special gifts for all the family members. :)

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