Thursday, August 11, 2016

Summer Adventures

When we haven't been at the beach this summer, we have been hanging out in Raleigh spending a lot of quality time together as a family. I feel like the girls are finally at an age where we can really have fun with them- outside of the home! There have been lots of neat outdoor activities and lots of dinners out at restaurants that have not actually ended in disaster. Just when we feel like we are rounding the bend on the ability to go and do- we will be back at square one come December when baby brother is born. But for now, we're enjoying the slower pace of the summer and the freedom to get out and explore!

Love this photo of the girls...we took this on one of our adventures. Brian had the good idea to ride bikes from Whole Foods down the green way to Snoopy's Hot dogs. Collins LOVED this idea. Addie and I walked by BOB. After picking up the hot dogs, we rode over to Meredith College and ate our lunch in their pretty amphitheater space. The girls performed a dramatic performance for us of "Let it Go" and "ABC"- great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Here we're taking on the House Creek trail in the blazing was so hot we had to reward ourselves with Guasaca afterwards. 

Another hot adventure...the Art Museum on a Sunday afternoon. We explored and climbed till we could sweat no more, then had to take cover in the a/c.

Getting wet in any shape/fashion has been absolutely necessary this summer. It has been miserably hot, but we have found some creative ways to cool down...including this water slide concoction. 

This is only something a Dad would do...hose off his children in their Sunday best. They thought the garden was getting watered, but things quickly headed in a different direction...

and they thought the whole thing was AWESOME.

 Ridge Road pool has been a regular contender this summer....

and a steady stream of swim lessons for both girls has helped cool things off. Not only is Collins now an official swimmer, but she can also dive! She ended her swim lessons by diving in the deep end by herself. How cool is that??

And when you don't feel like getting packed up for the pool, just get the worm sprinkler out and let them run wild...that does the trick, too.

Saturday morning breakfasts with Dad are still going strong and Addie gets to join in now (when Collins lets her). Their favorite spot is Finch's (which sadly is closing soon), and they got to sign the wall the last time they were there.

Our friends, Tee and Amber, just moved to Seattle for a year or two. Before they left, we ate ourselves sick at Pizza Toro in Durham. Five pizzas for four people? Solid order.

Other favorite go-to's this summer? Amedeo's, Neomonde, Gonza's, and Trophy. I love that going out to eat with them is now an option! 

Next summer adventure? Kiawah Island!

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