Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Settling In

Today was the day that Addie was supposed to be born. January 15th was the day that we had scheduled for our c-section so it felt odd when a triage nurse from WakeMed called me at 6:45 a.m. to ask where we were and if we were planning on having our baby today...

Luckily, we are already three weeks in to knowing and loving our little Addie Fork. Are we settled in to life with a newborn yet? I'd say no, but we are working on it. It helps that Addie might be the best baby ever (totally jinxing myself with those words). She eats well, she sleeps hard, and she doesn't cry very much. And she's super cute! It's fun having a baby again despite the fact that we can't leave the house (flu season), the laundy is out of control, and it's physically exhausting to feed a baby every three hours. Good thing most of the time she does this...

How is Collins handling being a big sister? Overall, she seems to be handling all the changes well. She has had some regression with potty training and doesn't have a super gentle touch or volume level around the baby, but she does give her sweet kisses. And she is still the same old Collins...

It's hard to believe three weeks have gone by since Addie was born. Since then, we've celebrated Christmas three more times...


worked on our biking skills (she adores her present from Santa)...
and tried to juggle and enjoy life with two little ones. Luckily, we have had LOTS of help from the wonderful grandparents, many tasty meals provided by our friends, and two sweet girls to work with. Life is chaotic and overwhelming and special!



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