Friday, January 18, 2013

What We've Been Up To

I have been missing from the blogging world lately, and I apologize! For some weird reason, I have not been snapping as many pictures recently (probably holiday photo overload), but I'm getting myself back in gear. Here's what we've been up to lately...

1. Getting back into our normal schedule after the holidays- school, gymnastics, playdates, Marbles, and more. It's been fun to get back into a routine after the long break.

2. Fighting sickness- Collins had a nasty cold and I just got through an icky stomach bug. Being quarantined is no fun!

3. Praying for the sun to come back out so we can get outside! It's been so dreary and cold around here lately so we've had to get creative at home with dress-up play, cooking in the kitchen (both mini and real), and lots of tea parties.

4. Redecorating the bedroom. Dad and Heather got me this beautiful bench  for Christmas that has inspired me to finish up this project once and for all! (the amazing artwork is by Dad)

5. LOTS of talking! Collins has lots to say these days, and we are loving it. She is speaking in short sentences-"Daddy home now" and "snow falling down" and "good job baby"- and doing a great job of communicating all her cute and random thoughts.

6. Prepping for an upcoming birthday and excited to see lots of friends turning two!

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