Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Comes Early

As someone who already enjoys seasonal activities I'm realizing that having an impressionable and excitable toddler to experience all the wonders of the holiday season with is about more than I can handle. I can't get enough Christmas activities, and the real question is how much more fun can we pack in the next 14 days?!?

Watching Collins see the tree lit up for the first time was such a special moment. Hearing her try to say "Jesus" as she points to the manger scene was so neat. Reading one of my favorite Christmas books "The Sweet Smells of Christmas" with her and watching her attempts to scratch-and-sniff was hysterical. Seeing her inhale a sugar cookie was quite impressive. Watching her slowly "get" Christmas has been a true joy for me this season.

Kids really do make Christmas so much fun, and it hit home for me the morning we presented Collins with her first Christmas gift. Christmas came early for her because we needed her present (an activity table and set of chairs from Mimi) for a party we were having this past weekend. So after spending two hours assembling it the night before, I literally could not wait for her to wake up the next morning and see it for the first time. She did not disappoint!

Helping us keep track of everything festive is this beautiful Advent calendar from Dad and Heather. We have loved opening a door every morning and finding a surprise inside (either an activity we'll do that day or a tiny manger scene ornament).

This past week we had a good time baking cookies (she insisted on sporting a Davidson cheerleading uniform),

having the Kasper and Flynn families over for a very fun night of chili and grilled cheese sandwiches,

(and sugar cookies)

riding the "choo choo" at night,

and making a "special" Gingerbread house with Aunt Alli.

Christmas is just two weeks away- wonder if Collins will secretly be relieved when all the merriment all over? :)

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