Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Making Me Pay

Let me explain...

This is the end result of a messy two-hour span yesterday. Collins now likes to climb the stairs and push things off the side of the stairs. Unfortunately, I did not see that an old can of Pepsi that she likes to play with was sitting on the stairs. Next thing I knew there was an explosion and Pepsi was everywhere- on the floor in two different rooms, coating all the surrounding walls and dripping off the ceiling. Miss #1 on my part.

After her nap, I gave Collins some watermelon and peanut butter crackers for a snack. I was prepping dinner items in the kitchen keeping an eye on her from a distance. What I didn't see till I got up close was peanut butter smeared all over her face, all over her shirt and pants, and all over her high chair. Almost as big of a mess as the Pepsi. Miss #2.

So I stripped her down right there and let her run around in her diaper while I cleaned things up. Next thing I know, she has somehow ripped off her diaper and is running around the house naked.

This is what I get when I don't pay attention to my wild child!

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