Thursday, February 16, 2012

A New Ballgame

We went for our 12-month check-up this week, and thankfully Collins got a clean bill of health. The three shots and finger prick did not go well, and the doctor heard an earful when he tried to check out her teeth (4 on top and 1 below are almost here). But she did impress him with her walking skills and her general level of busy-ness.

Here are her stats for 12 months:

Weight- 20 lbs (54th percentile)
Height- 28 3/4" (35th percentile- Brian was disappointed in this- he was hoping she would overcome our shortness)

We were sent on our way with two pieces of homework- wean her off the paci and the bottle. Not a tall order at all... Yes, I realize we should have already done both of these things, but we were trying to put them off as long as possible.

So the weaning process is not going very well.

Collins always uses her paci in the car and to go to sleep. We decided to take it away from her in the car first and then eventually take it out of the crib. Let's just say she has been a lot more vocal in the car lately- don't expect any phone calls from me when we are out and about.

She is moving from formula to cow's milk just fine- we are mixing the two and she doesn't seem to notice- but the regular people food is what is throwing me. I'm not sure how much to feed her, considering about 1/4 of what I feed her actually goes in her mouth. The rest ends up in her hair, in her lap, on the floor, or on me. It's not pretty. See below.

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